Conspiracy Daily Update - conspiracydailyupdate.com
Free West Media - Free West Media.com - New European alt news site which professes to present a broad and unbiased daily coverage of European and world wide news from a western perspective. Looks good so far, and will give you an idea of what is going on outside the UK and US
Norfolk 5g Awareness - Norfolk5gAwareness - Get information on 5g. Covers local planning and actions against
RF Info - RF Info - Information on radio frequencies and how they affect us
Rich Planet TV - RichPlanet.net - Alternative information from that of the MSM
The Corbett Report - www.corbettreport.com
The Hagmann Report - www.hagmannreport.com
The Highwire - thehighwire.com - Alt news site
The Stranger Fiction - TheSytangerFiction.com - A site that attempts to provoke critical thinking
Unlimited Hangout - unlimitedhangout.com
Ainsworths - www.ainsworths.com and on 020 7935 5330. Homoeopathic Remedies. You can also ring for free advice on symptoms, given by trainee homoeopaths. They sell a 40 remedy emergency kit, with 1g bottles of the most useful remedies too, for around £40.00. This is really worth having, but get the remedies listed above in 7g bottles if you want to start using homoeopathy more
Aussie Trace Minerals - aussietraceminerals.com - Australian shop for your electrolyte needs
Body Kind - www.bodykind.com - Natural health products
But Wholefods Online - www.buywholefoodsonline.co.uk - Health food supplier
G.Baldwin & Co - www.baldwins.co.uk - Herbalists
Healthy Supplies - www.healthysupplies.co.uk - Health food supplier. Postage free if you spend over a certain amount, and you can buy bulk bags. Really good service, and you can check the sell by dates of each product online before you order
Helios - www.helios.co.uk - Homoeopathic Remedies. All their remedies are produced by hand, and some homoeopaths prefer this
MitoLife - www.mitolife.co - Nutrients and tech from the US
Poyntzfield Herb Nursery - www.poyntzfieldherbs.co.uk - Nursery. Based in Scotland. Superb seeds and herb plants (medicinal, dyes, culinary, etc.) and a vast catalogue. A small, independent business. Organic
Real Foods - www.realfoods.co.uk - Health food supplier. Based in Edinburgh, but really good too, and quick delivery
The People's Health Alliance - the-pha.org - Health Service. An organic, people-led approach to healthcare, bringing everything back to community level, for The People, by The People
Tree Harvest - www.tree-harvest.com - Herbalists. Brilliant, 'Timber free forest products' and more, such as fruit and veg powders, Western, Chinese and ayurvedic botanicals, tree gums and incense (dragon's blood, copal, and all sorts), and a really interesting online or paper catalogue. Used by professional herbalists. No online ordering, but good postal/phone service
WallachsWarriors - wallachswarriors.ca - Nutrients and tech from the US
Delingpole.podbean - Delingpole.podbean.com - Interviews from journalist James Delingpole, often with very interesting speakers
Dr Judy Wood 911 Documentary - Dr Judy Wood 911 Documentary
Jerm Warfare - JermWarfare.com/podcast - Some excellent interviews and info, from S African podcaster
Richie Allen - RichieAllen.co.uk - Abrasive indy radio show from Salford, frequently with v interesting interviews
Sheep Farm - SheepFarm.co.uk - Podcasts and videos using primarily MSM sources to profile some of the 'Actors' in the CV1984 movie
Army Surplus - goarmy.co.uk
Build Your Own Trauma Kit - SkinnyMedic - YouTube
Camping Equipment - lifeventure.com
Camping/Survival gear - preppersshop.co.uk
Celox Granules (stop bleeding) - Celox Medical - YouTube
Escape/Smoke Hood - Dräger Global - YouTube
Practical Self Reliance - practicalselfreliance.com
Prepper Girl UK - preppergirluk.yolasite.com
Fire Dragon Fuel - BCB International - YouTube
Fire Extinguishers - safelincs.co.uk
First Aid/Medical supplier - spservices.co.uk
5d Portal - 5dportal.net
Get Wisdom - GetWisdom.com
Mona Talk - montalk.net
The Next Step - TheNextStep.uk.com - The official site for wide awake, brilliant and inspiring astrologer Pam Gregory, who is like the best and most motivational auntie you could wish for in these times
Wake Up World - wakeup-world.com
Waking Times - Waking Times.com
Blu Shield - www.blushield-uk.com - US shop for Emf protection and info
Defender Shield - www.defendershield.com - US shop for Emf protection and info
Earth Runners - www.earthrunners.com - Shoes for grounding from the US and a blog
ES-UK - www.es-uk.info - For those affected by electromagnetic radiation - basically all of us. Loads of research and good information. Probably the most informative and well informed site on this subject
Groundology - www.groundology.co.uk - Want to learn about grounding and emf protection. UK shop and info
Higher Dose - higherdose.com - Infrared beds and blankets from America
Red Light Rising - redlightrising.co.uk - Red light products and info
Spero Protection Clothing - speroprotectionclothing.com - Emf protection clothing and accessories from the US
Wired Child - WiredChild.org - Good site, focussing on the dangers of mobile and wireless technology, especially in relation to children and young people
Activists Toolbox - activiststoolbox.com
Children's Health Defense - ChildrensHealthDefense.org - Home of Robert F Kennedy and lots of good info
Diplomatic Immunity - newworldalliances.com/diplomatic-immunity - A card for Diplomatic Immunity. This card can be used for travelling, shopping, medical help etc... All explained on the website
Doctors 4 Covid Ethics - Doctors4CovidEthics.org - Doctors and scientists from 30 countries seeking to uphold medical ethics, patient safety and human rights in response to COVID-19. Really sound and well informed. Look for anything online by Dr Sucharit Bhakdi too
Global Research - globalresearch.ca - Very informative site, on all kinds of relevant political and global issues, run by the Centre for Research on Globalization
Living In The Private - livingintheprivate.weebly.com - Does what it says on the tin
Mercola - www.mercola.com - Dr Joseph Mercola's website
Our Lawful Duty - OurLawfulDuty.weebly.com - Richard's website
- Parking Charge Notice - PCN
Power To The People - www.powertothepeopleuk.com
Save Our Rights - saveourrights.uk
Together Declaration - togetherdeclaration.org - The Together Declaration was formed with one main purpose: to unite people from all walks of life to oppose the government’s draconian response to Covid-19. We recognise the need to push back against the rapidly growing infringements on our personal freedoms
UK Column - www.ukcolumn.org - In depth UK alt news channel with contributions from Europe and the US, from Brian Gerrish and co. All articles have extensive source references, so you can follow everything up for yourself, which makes this site special
Vaccine Control Group - vaxcontrolgroup.com - So you can basically opt out of the vaccine by being part of a control group that doesn't require the vax because it's still in clinical trials. It's all explained on the website
Winter Oak - WinterOak.org.uk - Unusual site with a serious aversion to industrial capitalism and a commitment to social justice